Picture Yourself in a World 

Without Electricity

IMAGINE YOUR WORLD WITHOUT electricity, Internet, Mobile phones, Lighting, heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, kitchen appliances, Hot water, running water!
PICTURE YOURSELF LIVING IN A WORLD WHERE YOU  COULD NEVER use any of these luxuries, that we call basic necessities! 

HOW DOES IT MAKE  YOU FEEL to know there are millions of people who don’t have the basic necessities like electricity that we so easily take for granted?

It's Time To Wake Up 

and CONTRIBUTE to conscious 

Most people go through life unaware of the outcome of their actions or inactions. 

That's why Quiimly “The Conscious Dance Network” and Morua Power Foundation are taking action and making the decision to inspire the world to CONTRIBUTE and make a lasting IMPACT on the lives of millions of people in Africa through our Adopt-A-Village 

Most people go through life unaware of the outcome of their actions or inactions. 

That's why Quiimly “The Conscious Dance Network” and Morua Power Foundation are taking action and making the decision to inspire the world to CONTRIBUTE and make a lasting IMPACT on the lives of millions of people in Africa through our Adopt-A-Village 

It's Time To Wake Up 

and CONTRIBUTE to conscious 

Most people go through life unaware of the outcome of their actions or inactions. 

That's why Quiimly “The Conscious Dance Network” and Morua Power Foundation are taking action and making the decision to inspire the world to CONTRIBUTE and make a lasting IMPACT on the lives of millions of people in Africa through our Adopt-A-Village 


We start in the beautiful culturally diverse land of Cameroon where our engineers are building mini-grid solar systems to help villages step into the 21st Century and become self-sustaining, income generating societies.

What this means?...

It Means:

  • No more walking 20 miles a day for fresh water for mothers to feed their families. 
  • ​No more food wasted because you had no way of refrigerating food to make it last. 
  • ​No more lack of opportunities. 
  • ​​No more lack of knowledge because they have access to the internet.
  • ​​No more kerosene lamps that take a toll on health and cause fires and explosions. 
  • ​​No more cold showers. 
  • ​​No more sewing clothes by hand, no more waiting for rain to irrigate crops.
  • ​​No more waiting for someone to purchase your produce.

Electricity Opens New Worlds To Humanity

Here's How Their Life Will Be Impacted:

It allows access not only to the internet so children and adults can learn and contribute to the advancement of their villages but it also opens the doors to a myriad of opportunities in all areas of life. 

Entrepreneurs already impacting their community have more opportunities for expansion and advancement of their art. That means, more resources to support their families.

Most importantly we are NOT giving money or food to individuals but rather providing a spark and assisting in the creation of clean, renewable energy which will feed and propel them to limitless heights in the next 100 years. 

If we adopt 1 village we are changing the lives of 10,000 people.

If we adopt 100 villages we change the lives of over 1 Million people. 

There is one common thread among all humanity, being that every single person on this planet has been helped by someone that they did not know and we believe this is the perfect opportunity to pay it forward. 

It only takes one person to make a difference and this is not about charity, it’s about making a lasting IMPACT through our conscious CONTRIBUTION of Time, Money or Effort by making a ripple effect upon Millions of people in generations to come.

Our Motivation Is The Continuous Desire And Opportunity To Make Life Better For People Living The Rural Communities.



in Africa

The Foundation and team in 
Cameroon driving this project 
forward is REIc. We do this 
using a three pillared business 
approach of electrification, 
education and economic 
development. This approach 
provides the foundation for 
rapid sustainable development 
of the communities.



in Africa

The Foundation and team in 
Cameroon driving this project 
forward is REIc. We do this 
using a three pillared business 
approach of electrification, 
education and economic 
development. This approach 
provides the foundation for 
rapid sustainable development 
of the communities.

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